A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space.
Some nebulas are formed when a star explodes and shoots out dust and gas into space. Other nebulas are formed when stars are born. They are sometimes called "star nurseries."
The Hubble telescope has been in space taking pictures for a long time, and some of its most amazing photographs are of nebulas. Check these out!
The Bubble Nebula
Formed by an exploding star
The Butterfly Nebula
Formed by an exploding star
The Carina Nebula
Formed by stars being born
The Cat's Eye Nebula
Formed by an exploding star
The Eagle Nebula
Formed by stars being born
The Orion Nebula
Formed by stars being born
The Veil Nebula
Formed by an exploding star
Photo Credits: NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)