Hi! I'm Harvey, the Youth Haven moose.
I was raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by my parents, Henrietta and Hugo. They adopted me when I was a baby. We loved being in the woods and exploring new things together! A lot of other moose lived in our neighborhood of the UP forests, but I never really felt like I fit in. My parents said maybe one day, I would find a place where I had a special purpose and friends who understood me.
One day, something bad happened. We were eating supper along Lake Michigan after a day of exploring the sand dunes. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I was floating in the middle of the lake! I swam to shore but couldn’t find my family anywhere! I went into a building called a church, asking for help. A kind man and lady named Mr. and Mrs. Hicks offered to help. While we were looking for my family, they took care of me and taught me all about Jesus! I loved this amazing news, that I had a heavenly Father, even when I didn’t know where my earthly father was. I wanted other boys and girls to know this truth as well!
Well, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks knew of a place that taught children all about this hope: Youth Haven! The first time I set foot on the grounds, I knew I had finally found where I belonged. Since moving to Youth Haven, I have met so many great friends! We love sharing about the hope of Jesus together in Arizona and Michigan!
And by the way, we finally found my parents! If you come to Youth Haven in Michigan, you can see Henrietta and Hugo in the Dining Hall.
My favorite Bible verse:
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

My favorites:
Youth Haven kids, Moose Tracks ice cream, pizza, swamp lands, chapel, and the Trailbook
I don't like:
Groundhogs, seafood, poky cactus, snakes, poison ivy, and when people don't listen to instructions
I'm good at:
Dancing, eating lots of food, and I can sing and gargle water (but only around my animal friends). I'm also a great listener! I love being kind and being your friend. I like being a leader for my friends!